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Greening Out? How Residential Treatment Can Support Your Recovery

Ever had a “green out” from smoking too much weed? You’re not alone. As marijuana use rises, so do cases of greening out – that awful feeling of nausea, dizziness, and panic from overindulging. But for many, it’s not just about weed. Polysubstance abuse is on the rise, with 1 in 5 people who misuse marijuana also abusing prescription drugs. If you’re struggling with greening out or polysubstance use, residential treatment at Evoke Wellness can help. Let’s explore how our programs support lasting recovery from marijuana dependence and beyond.

Together, let’s embrace the journey to recovery and the promise of a new beginning. Call us at (833) 503-0734 today or reach out online.

What Is Greening Out?

Ever had too much of a good thing? Greening out refers to experiencing negative effects from consuming too much cannabis. It’s essentially a cannabis overdose.

The Unpleasant Experience

Greening out can lead to nausea, vomiting, dizziness, paranoia and anxiety. You may feel disconnected from reality or like time is slowing down. The symptoms are uncomfortable but temporary – they usually resolve within a few hours as the cannabis metabolizes.

High-Risk Groups

New or infrequent users are more susceptible to greening out, as are those using extremely potent cannabis products. Mixing cannabis with other substances like alcohol amplifies the risks.

Preventing the Green

To avoid greening out, go low and slow with cannabis until you understand your personal limits and tolerance. Stay hydrated, keep dosing moderately, and don’t overindulge. If it hits you too hard, find a safe space to ride it out until the effects subside.

Greening out is unpleasant but not life-threatening in most cases. The experience serves as a reminder to consume cannabis – especially today’s potent varieties – with wisdom and self-awareness.

Key Facts About Greening Out

Defining the Experience

You’ve heard of getting “too high” before, but greening out takes marijuana overconsumption to another level. It refers to an intense, unpleasant reaction that can happen after ingesting too much THC – the main psychoactive compound in cannabis.

Common Symptoms

The greening out experience often involves nausea, vomiting, dizziness, paranoia, and anxiety. You may feel disconnected from reality, extremely sedated, or have distorted perceptions. The effects are usually short-lived but can be quite alarming.

Prevalence on the Rise

As marijuana potency increases and legalization expands access, cases of greening out are becoming more common. A 2019 study found over a third of frequent consumers reported greening out at least once. With edibles especially, it’s easy to over consume due to delayed effects.

Seeking Treatment

If you’re struggling with greening out episodes or cannabis abuse, professional treatment can provide guidance. Look for programs offering medical detox, residential care, counseling, and support groups to regain control over marijuana use.

Side Effects & Symptoms of Greening Out

The Greening Out Experience

You’ve smoked too much weed and now you’re experiencing the dreaded “green out.” It can feel intense – elevated heart rate, nausea, dizziness, anxiety or paranoia. The good news? While unpleasant, greening out isn’t life-threatening and the effects are temporary.

Common Symptoms

  • Pale skin or looking “green”
  • Sweating
  • Fainting or passing out
  • Vomiting
  • Extreme anxiety or paranoia
  • Rapid heartbeat

Ride It Out

The symptoms usually peak within 30 minutes to an hour after smoking too much. Find a calm environment, stay hydrated, and ride it out. Symptoms typically subside within 2-3 hours as your body metabolizes the excess THC.

Greening out is an undesirable but relatively common side effect, especially for less experienced cannabis users. With responsible dosing and consumption, it can easily be avoided. But if it does happen, stay calm – this too shall pass.

What to Do if You or Someone You Know Is Greening Out

Remain Calm & Reassuring

If you or someone around you starts greening out, try to remain calm. Panicking will only make things worse. Speak in a soothing voice and let them know they’re going to be okay. Greening out feels awful, but it’s temporary.

Hydrate & Rest

Get them some water or an electrolyte drink to sip on slowly. The fluids will help flush out the excess THC. Find a quiet, dimly lit place for them to lie down and rest. Greening out zaps your energy, so let them sleep it off.

Distract & Redirect

If they’re feeling anxious, try distracting them with low-key activities like listening to chill music or watching a lighthearted show. Gently redirect their attention if they start spiraling into negative thoughts. Remind them this will pass in a few hours.

Seek Medical Help if Needed

Most greening out episodes resolve on their own with rest and hydration. But if severe symptoms like uncontrollable vomiting persist for over 24 hours, it’s best to get them checked out by a doctor just in case.

With some patience and care, a greening out episode can be managed until it subsides. The main things are staying calm yourself and making sure they stay hydrated and rested in a comfortable environment.

Risks of Marijuana Overdose

While overdosing on weed is rare, it’s still possible to consume too much THC – the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis. Excessive intake can trigger some nasty side effects.

Edible Dangers

One area where overdosing is more common? Edibles. Their delayed effects make it easy to accidentally ingest way too much THC. Consuming large amounts of high-potency edibles or concentrates increases overdose risks.

So take it slow with those gummies or brownies, and don’t be a hero. Just a few too many can lead to an unpleasant night of vomiting, dizziness and paranoia.

Fatal Dose? Highly Unlikely

While a THC overdose feels terrible, it’s essentially impossible to fatally OD from marijuana alone. There are no confirmed deaths caused solely by weed, according to this source.

The worst that can happen is you’ll green out hard and be extremely uncomfortable for several hours. Not fun, but you’ll live to smoke another day. Just… maybe take a tolerance break first.

Getting Help for Marijuana Addiction

You’ve realized your marijuana use is becoming a problem. That’s a huge first step – recognizing the need for change. But where do you go from here?

Evaluate Your Situation

First, take an honest look at your habits and patterns. Are you using marijuana daily or multiple times per day? Are you experiencing negative impacts on your work, relationships, or health? Has marijuana become your main coping mechanism? If so, seeking professional treatment may be necessary.

Explore Treatment Options

Marijuana addiction treatment centers like Evoke Wellness offer programs tailored to your needs. Options include:

Therapy for Lasting Change

No matter the program, therapy is key. Evoke’s therapy programs use proven methods like:

The path to recovery is challenging but so rewarding. By getting the right support, you can break free from marijuana’s grip and reclaim your life.

Greening Out and Residential Treatment

Ever greened out after taking too much weed? That dizzy, nauseous feeling is the body’s way of saying “too much THC!” While greening out isn’t life-threatening, it can be intense and unsettling.

Supportive Environment

Residential treatment provides a safe, supportive environment to ride out discomfort from greening out or detoxing. With 24/7 medical supervision, you’ll have care to manage symptoms like anxiety, vomiting or paranoia.

Addiction Recovery

For many, greening out is a wake-up call to unhealthy cannabis habits or polysubstance abuse. Residential rehab offers:

  • Detox monitoring
  • Counseling for root issues
  • Coping strategies
  • Relapse prevention plans

A structured program guides you in breaking addictive patterns for lasting recovery.

Dual Diagnosis Care

Cannabis use often co-occurs with mental health conditions like depression or anxiety. Evoke’s dual diagnosis program integrates therapy to treat co-occurring disorders simultaneously. Heal your mind and body for whole-person wellness.

The calm, retreat-like setting nurtures your journey to an addiction-free life. Residential care provides the structure and support to reset from greening out towards lifelong change.

Medical Detox

Get the Support You Need

When it comes to greening out or struggling with addiction, the road to recovery isn’t easy. But with medical detox at Evoke Wellness, you get professional support every step of the way. Our team helps manage withdrawal in a safe environment under 24/7 medical supervision.

Customized Detox Plans

No two journeys are the same. That’s why Evoke provides individualized detox programs based on your substance use history, medical needs, and addiction severity. Qualified doctors and clinicians oversee the process, using medications to reduce cravings and monitoring vital signs round-the-clock.

A Crucial First Step

Medical detox isn’t just about getting clean – it’s about giving you a strong foundation for lasting recovery. By removing toxins from your body safely, you’ll be mentally and physically prepared to start therapy programs that address the root causes. It’s often the vital first phase before residential treatment.

Residential Treatment Program

A Supportive Environment

You’ve tried outpatient treatment but keep struggling with greening out and marijuana cravings. A residential treatment program provides a safe, substance-free space to heal away from triggers. Surrounded by understanding staff and peers, you’ll find compassionate support.

Holistic Approach

Residential care addresses addiction’s physical, mental and spiritual aspects. You’ll receive medical monitoring for detox and any co-occurring disorders. Group therapy builds coping skills and support networks. Activities like yoga, art, and outdoor adventures nurture your recovery journey.

Customized Care

Your treatment plan is personalized for your unique needs and goals. Whether struggling with marijuana, alcohol, prescription drugs or polysubstance abuse – inpatient care provides the intensity and duration required. You’ll gain insights into the roots of your addiction through evidence-based therapies tailored to your experiences.

Aftercare Planning

Before transitioning out, you’ll work closely with your treatment team on an aftercare plan. This outlines ongoing supports like sober living, alumni programs and counseling. You’ll leave with strategies to maintain sobriety and thrive in lasting recovery.

Polysubstance Abuse Treatment Program

1.    A Holistic Approach

Evoke Wellness’ polysubstance abuse treatment program takes a comprehensive approach to help you overcome addiction to multiple substances. This personalized program combines medical detox, therapy, counseling, and relapse prevention strategies to treat the root causes.

2.    Safe Detox

The first step is a medically supervised detox to help you safely withdraw from all substances before beginning treatment. This allows your mind and body to heal in a supportive environment.

3.    Proven Therapies

Next, you’ll participate in evidence-based therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and trauma therapy. These help identify triggers, change unhealthy thought patterns, and develop vital coping skills.

4.    Holistic Healing

Alongside traditional therapies, Evoke’s program incorporates holistic practices like mindfulness, yoga, art therapy, and more. This well-rounded approach supports healing in mind, body, and spirit for long-term recovery.

5.    Continued Support

As you complete the residential program, you’ll transition to outpatient therapy, sober living, and alumni support groups. This aftercare support helps maintain the positive changes and sobriety you’ve worked so hard for.

Therapy Programs at Evoke Wellness

Holistic Healing Approach

At Evoke Wellness, we believe in treating the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. That’s why our therapy programs take a holistic approach to healing from addiction. We incorporate evidence-based therapies alongside holistic practices like yoga, meditation, and art therapy. This allows you to develop coping skills while promoting overall wellness.

Tailored Treatment Plans

Our team of compassionate professionals works closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan. We offer a range of therapies including:

Continuing Care

Recovery is a lifelong journey, which is why we provide aftercare support after you complete your primary treatment. Our aftercare program equips you with relapse prevention strategies and connects you to community resources. You’ll have access to peer support groups, individual counseling, and more as you transition into this new chapter.

Frequently Asked Questions About Greening Out and Residential Treatment

What is “greening out”?

Greening out refers to an intense, unpleasant reaction after consuming too much cannabis. Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, paranoia, and anxiety. It’s essentially cannabis “overdose” – the body’s response to taking in more THC than it can handle.

How common is greening out?

With increasing marijuana legalization and potency levels, greening out incidents are on the rise. A 2022 study found ER visits related to cannabis consumption doubled over a 4-year period. Many cases involve edibles, as dosing can be tricky.

How does residential treatment help?

Residential treatment provides a safe, controlled environment to stabilize and recover from substance issues like cannabis use disorder. Through medical detox, counseling, and holistic therapies, the underlying reasons for substance abuse are addressed for lasting recovery.

Professional support gives you the tools and coping strategies to moderate cannabis use or abstain entirely. The immersive, residential setting removes environmental triggers that can derail progress.

What programs do you offer?

At Evoke Wellness, we offer specialized programs for:

Our personalized treatment plans draw from evidence-based practices and experienced clinical staff. We’re committed to empowering you on your unique recovery journey.


In the end, greening out can be a wake-up call that it’s time to get help. Whether you’re struggling with marijuana use alone or as part of a broader substance abuse issue, residential treatment at Evoke Wellness offers the support you need. From medical detox to therapy programs tailored to your situation, we’ve got you covered. Don’t let fear hold you back – reaching out is the first step toward reclaiming your life. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Thousands have walked this path before you and come out stronger on the other side. Why not take that crucial step today? Your future self will thank you.

Begin Your Journey with Evoke Wellness at San Marcos

If you or a loved one is considering treatment, Evoke Wellness at San Marcos invites you to contact us. Our compassionate team is ready to answer your questions, discuss your needs, and help you take the first steps toward recovery. At Evoke Wellness, you will find more than just a treatment program – you’ll discover a community dedicated to your wellness and success. Together, let’s embrace the journey to recovery and the promise of a new beginning. Call us at (833) 503-0734 today or reach out online.