Mental health issues and substance abuse problems are the cause of extreme concern today because of the rising numbers of those affected. Traumatic events in…
Being truthful about participating in rehab for drug or mental health treatment is the best option. The military has access to all medical records and…
Life transitions from civilian life to military life and the back to civilian life pose many adjustments and challenges for Veterans. The struggles Veterans face…
The number of Veterans addicted to opioids is double that of the civilian population. Veterans are faced with pain from injuries in combat, challenged with…
Alcohol and stress in the military are common and significant problems. Military culture accepts the use of alcohol to cope with stress, boredom, loneliness, and…
Leaving the military to join the civilian lifestyle after years of being enlisted is a challenging transition. An awareness of how much life has changed…
Veterans exposed to severe traumatic events, death, combat, and military sexual trauma carry with them an intense level of pain, raw emotion, flashbacks, nightmares, and…
Many Veterans experience extreme stress, memories from a traumatic event in the service, painful feelings from losing a friend in combat, or military sexual trauma…