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a police care with its lights on in a rearview mirror possibly determining the differences between dui vs. dwi

Driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are serious offenses that can have significant legal consequences. There are legal differences between DUI vs. DWI charges, but beyond the legal implications, these charges often point to a deeper issue: drug or alcohol abuse.

If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, there is hope. Evoke Wellness at San Marcos offers compassionate treatment at our Texas center. By taking the first step in the recovery journey, you can protect yourself and those around you. Get started in drug or alcohol rehab in San Marcos, TX, by calling us at 888.450.2285.

The Differences Between DUI vs. DWI

Driving after drinking or using substances drastically increases the likelihood of a car accident and puts the driver, passengers, and other individuals on the road at risk. In order to deter this behavior and promote safe driving practices, laws have been put in place to penalize those who operate a vehicle while under the influence.

DUI: Driving Under the Influence

DUI, or driving under the influence, is a charge used to describe individuals who are operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs. In most states, this includes any substance that impairs one’s ability to safely operate a vehicle, not just alcohol. A DUI charge may be given to individuals who exhibit signs of impairment regardless of their BAC.

DWI: Driving While Intoxicated

DWI, or driving while intoxicated, is another charge used to describe individuals who are operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A DWI in states like Texas is often a higher-class misdemeanor, which could lead to steeper penalties.

Driving under the influence of any substance could lead to injury or life-threatening situations. If you’re behind the wheel and driving while impaired, you might face even more serious consequences. It’s important to remember that the legal consequences of a DUI or DWI are meant to hold individuals accountable for their actions and protect others on the road.

Isn’t a DUI Just for Alcohol?

Many people may assume that a DUI only applies to alcohol, but this is not the case. While it’s true that alcohol is one of the most common substances involved in DUIs, any substance that impairs one’s ability to drive safely can result in a DUI charge. This includes illegal drugs, prescription medication, and even over-the-counter medication.

With the ease of restrictions around marijuana use, there has been a rise in DUIs involving marijuana as well. It’s important to remember that driving while impaired by any substance is dangerous and can result in serious consequences.

You Can Recover From Substance Abuse

Facing legal consequences like DUI or DWI charges can be a wake-up call for those struggling with substance abuse. If you or someone you love is facing these charges, know that there is hope for recovery. Legal charges are just one of the ways substance abuse can impact your life. It can also lead to:

  • Financial struggles due to legal fees and potential job loss
  • Strained relationships with friends, family, and loved ones
  • Damaged physical and mental health

Help is available, and recovery is possible. You and your family don’t have to try to navigate this alone. Find support from a professional treatment center early on in your recovery journey to help you break free from the cycle of substance abuse.

Contact Evoke Wellness at San Marcos Now

The differences between DUI vs. DWI charges are minor when you consider the bigger picture of substance abuse and addiction. At Evoke Wellness at San Marcos, we understand the complexities of substance abuse and offer personalized treatment options to help you overcome your struggles.

Our Texas center offers a safe and compassionate environment for individuals to heal and recover from drug or alcohol addiction. Call 888.450.2285 or contact us online, and help yourself or your loved one get the support needed to start a better life.