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Finding A Rehab Center For Veterans Of The US Navy

Naval rehab centers revolve around several different programs for alcohol dependency, substance abuse, and co-occurring mental illnesses that may be present. Opioids, chemical dependencies, alcohol, and a combination of addictions can be treated at several of the Naval treatment centers. Reaching out for help after admitting there is a problem with addiction and/or mental health issues is the most important part of seeking help. Therefore, contacting your primary care doctor or reaching out to a Navy rehab center available through the VA is vital to begin recovery.

Addiction in the Navy

Addiction in the Navy is a concern many service members experience. The Navy has the second-highest rate of binge drinking in the armed forces with 35% of their sailors taking part. Drinking alcohol has been thought to alleviate the loneliness, stress, and boredom that many sailors struggle with. The numbers with substance abuse problems are less than most while in service, but after leaving the Navy the numbers can escalate. Alcohol and prescription abuse are the most common among active sailors. The Navy’s policy is zero tolerance for drug abuse, however. 

Common signs of alcohol addiction include the following:

  • Blackouts and loss of memory
  • Changes in eating habits and sleep rituals
  • Changes in moods and anger issues
  • Poor judgment
  • Participating in compromising situations

Naval regulations prohibit the use of alcohol on any ship. In addition, it is a serious offense to be in possession of any drugs while on a naval vessel. The Navy has many programs for its sailors. For instance, the Drug and Alcohol Program Adviser, or the DAPA, is a liaison between the sailor, the Commanding Officer, and SARP (Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program; “Behavioral and Addiction Health” at your local medical treatment center).

Stigma is a factor that keeps sailors from reaching out for help. Thus, breaking down the barriers that keep Veterans and sailors from seeking help will highlight the importance of treating mental health disorders like PTSD and depression. Unfortunately, most sailors can only think about how reaching out for help will negatively affect their careers.

While sailors are in service, they have concerns about things like:

  • Appearing weak and unable to take care of yourself
  • Being judged and labeled unreliable
  • How treatment could affect your military career
  • Lack of confidentiality in those you seek help from

Why a Veterans Rehab Center is the Right Choice for Former Members of the Navy

A Veterans rehab center is the right choice for former members of the Navy because military insurance will likely cover rehab with the proper authorizations. Rehab centers familiar with treating PTSD are best because many sailors drink to deal with underlying symptoms of this disorder. Veteran rehab centers help those experiencing similar addictions and mental health issues. Evaluation of the Veteran is an important first step in designing a recovery plan for Veterans. However, seeking help from a medical doctor could be the first step to finding help through the VA community care programs to initiate an authorization.  

How to Find the Right Rehab Center for Navy Veterans

In the Navy, the Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program (SARP) offers quality healthcare to those in the U.S. military. The SARP program can facilitate  drug and alcohol abuse assessments, education, inpatient and outpatient programs, consultation, and even residential treatment. However, time can be an issue in finding help within the VA, as long wait times can be detrimental if recovery needs to begin immediately. 

The Navy offers an online screening form to be completed for those seeking to find a Navy rehab center. The screening form is completely confidential and there are forms for alcohol dependency, PTSD, substance abuse, and depression. Filling out the form describes the individual needs of the Veteran looking for help. The VA also offers a National Directory of Resources for those looking for rehab centers. 

In finding the right rehab center for a Navy Veteran you might also want to consider inpatient or outpatient treatment. Many rehab centers offer different types of recovery options. Therefore, speaking to a counselor could help the Veteran make choices to get on the road to health and freedom from addiction. Many military rehab programs also include personal counseling, family counseling, mental health treatment, life skills training, and anger management. Evaluating each individual situation can be crucial in finding the right center for the Veterans needs. Professionals can help with making these choices. 

Join Our Rehab Center for Navy Veterans Today

If you are a sailor or Veteran of the US Navy and have symptoms of PTSD, depression, or addiction, reach out to our professional support staff at Sunrise Veterans Health, who have helped others just like you. Our rehab programs help Veterans, and our counselors are waiting to help you in your recovery. Contact our Navy rehab center and visit our admissions page today. We are here to answer your questions and concerns.